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20 Logic Pro X power tips you need to know about | MusicRadar.
Shortcuts are crucial to developing a fast and smooth logic pro x tips free regardless logoc what DAW you are using. Repetitive tasks lohic logic pro x tips free obvious choice for implementing shortcuts, as are basic navigation controls, transport controls, changing views or interfaces and more.
The nature of the work might dictate the need for specific shortcuts — post production may require a logic pro x tips free key set than music mixing or mastering. Loguc the need for a shortcut becomes apparent if you find yourself using the mouse to access the same menu item or button over and over again. Between projects is the perfect time kogic develop a personal tipa that you can print and ultimately memorize.
While there are hundreds of shortcuts available in Logic Pro, what follows are some of my favorites that you may find useful. The standard Mac symbols for modifier keys used throughout this article are below. Memorizing these is a good idea since you will see them больше информации and time again in most Mac application menus logic pro x tips free in Logic Pro documentation.
NOTE: For clarity, I have used all capitol letters in brackets, such as [A] below, but there is frre need to hold down logic pro x tips free tipe key unless explicitly stated. One nice feature of Logic Pro is the ability to quickly program easy access to two mouse tools at once.
The tool menu has two identical palettes. This is fdee when you need repetitive alternating access to two different tools. To program the right side, press the letter [T] and the menu will open displaying all possible tools with a letter next to each. So in this case with two keystrokes you can program the tool. These commands open editors in floating windows which is convenient for displaying more than one editor at a time. Typing a number [1,2,3…. Any changes you make to the window configuration will automatically be linked to that number preset.
To recall a screen set simply hit xx number key. This is highly useful when toggling between views in mixing or editing. For instance, you may only want to see the mixer window so everything else including the main window can be closed or vice versa.
This functionality is super cool for the situation when you forget to hit the record button. It will retrieve the MIDI data most recently played — a real lifesaver! All these commands for editing automation can be found under the mix menu, but the shortcuts can be extremely useful once you commit them to memory.
The dual tool menu in the piano roll editor operates the same as in ppro main view with a programmable command-based lohic option see above. Some of logic pro x tips free most common operations are:. But if you make it a practice to look things up when a shortcut seems logic pro x tips free in your workflow, you will find these commands will get embedded in memory naturally over time. To get started with the basics, below are a few shortcuts, culled from the lists above, that are absolutely essential to get under your fingers.
With this window active you can search for existing shortcuts or select an action and assign a key command to the shortcut. If the key command is already in use you will be prompted to overwrite it or select another. If you have created a customized set of shortcuts you can export them to be used on another computer by using the top left-hand drop down menu in the key commands action window.
There are several keyboard overlays available with text and icons that indicate various Logic Pro commands. To my eye most of these seem unnecessarily cluttered and I prefer simply memorizing the shortcut which sort of happens naturally over time. But these products may be useful when starting out with Logic Pro or if you are using a lot of unfamiliar operations for a particular project. While all of these shortcuts can be found scattered around in the menus and submenus of Logic Pro or in the key commands window, they are prp always easily logic pro x tips free in the heat of battle.
Developing and memorizing your own shortcut library tailored перейти to your personal workflow will have a huge positive impact on your productivity. Using shortcuts not only makes your process faster, loglc it makes using читать полностью computer more like loglc an instrument. Check out my other articles, reviews, interviewsand my video tutorial series, Synthesis available loggic on The Pro Audio Files.
Train Your Ears Become a Member. Search for:. Articles Mixing Recording Producing Mastering. Share Tweet. Philip Mantione Philip Mantione is a composer, synthesist, guitarist, educator and sound artist active in the LA experimental music scene. His music has been presented in festivals, museums and lkgic worldwide.
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20 Logic Pro X power tips you need to know about · 1. Chase revere · 2. You might as well jump · 3. Alt rock · 4. Brush work · 5. Peripheral vision. Logic Pro X: The Beginner’s Guide · 1: Open Logic Pro X and make sure you have no projects open. · 3: Before opening up our new, empty project we.