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Qt pronounced “cute” [7] [8] [9] is cross-platform software for creating graphical user interfaces as well as cross-platform applications that run on various software and hardware platforms such as Linux , Windows , macOS , Android or embedded systems with little or no change in the underlying codebase while still being a native application with native capabilities and speed.
Qt is currently being developed by The Qt Company , a publicly listed company, and the Qt Project under open-source governance , involving individual developers and organizations working to advance Qt. Qt is used for developing graphical user interfaces GUIs and multi-platform applications that run on all major desktop platforms and most mobile or embedded platforms. Most GUI programs created with Qt have a native-looking interface, in which case Qt is classified as a widget toolkit.
Non-GUI programs can also be developed, such as command-line tools and consoles for servers. Qt also provides Qt Quick , that includes a declarative scripting language called QML that allows using JavaScript to provide the logic.
With Qt Quick, rapid application development for mobile devices became possible, while logic can still be written with native code as well to achieve the best possible performance. Also still supported, for commercial users, are 5. In addition the KDE project provides unofficial support for, at least, Qt 5. In , the Qt Company estimated a community of about 1 million developers worldwide [17] in over 70 industries.
Many notable open-source or proprietary cross-platform software are using Qt or QML :. Starting with Qt 4. Enterprise Controls [94] are commercially sold by The Qt Company. After Nokia opened the Qt source code to the community on Gitorious , various ports appeared. There are also some ports of Qt that may be available, but are not supported anymore. These platforms are listed in List of platforms supported by Qt. See also there for current community support for other lesser known platforms, such as SailfishOS.
Qt is available under the following free software licenses: [13] GPL 2. In addition, Qt has always been available under a commercial license, like the Qt Commercial License, [4] that allows developing proprietary applications with no restrictions on licensing. Qt comes with its own set of tools to ease cross-platform development, which can otherwise be cumbersome due to different set of development tools.
In addition to Qt Creator, Qt provides qmake , a cross-platform build script generation tool that automates the generation of Makefiles for development projects across different platforms. There are other tools available in Qt, including the Qt Designer interface builder and the Qt Assistant help browser which are both embedded in Qt Creator , the Qt Linguist translation tool, uic user interface compiler , and moc Meta-Object Compiler.
The toolkit was called Qt because the letter Q looked appealing in Haavard’s Emacs typeface, and “t” was inspired by Xt , the X toolkit. On 20 May Troll Tech publicly released Qt 0.
Trolltech used this license until version 1. Controversy erupted around when it became clear that the K Desktop Environment was going to become one of the leading desktop environments for Linux. As it was based on Qt, many people in the free software movement worried that an essential piece of one of their major operating systems would be proprietary.
With the release of version 2. Compromises were sought between KDE and Trolltech whereby Qt would not be able to fall under a more restrictive license than the QPL, even if Trolltech was bought out or went bankrupt. At the end of , Trolltech released Qt 3. This was resolved when Trolltech released Qt 4.
The GPL v3 with special exception [] was later added as an added licensing option. Nokia focused on turning Qt into the main development platform for its devices, including a port to the Symbian S60 platform. Version 1. On 14 January , Qt version 4. In February , Nokia announced its decision to drop Symbian technologies and base their future smartphones on the Windows Phone platform instead and since then support for that platform has also been dropped. In September , Digia transferred the Qt business and copyrights to their wholly owned subsidiary, The Qt Company, which owns 25 brands [] related to Qt.
In May , Digia and Qt demerged completely into two independent companies. Qt 5 was officially released on 19 December This new version marked a major change in the platform, with hardware-accelerated graphics, QML and JavaScript playing a major role. Framework development of Qt 5 moved to open governance at qt-project. Aside from The Qt Company, many organizations and individuals using Qt as their development platform participate in the open development of Qt via the Qt Project.
Another participator is Intel , contributing for example Wayland support. Qt Wiki provides a comprehensive list of English books about Qt. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Object-oriented framework for software development. Not to be confused with QuickTime. See also: Qt version history. Most bitcoin forks also provide the reference GUI. Main article: List of platforms supported by Qt. See also: Qt Creator. Main article: Qt Project.
Blanchette, Jasmin; Summerfield, Mark 14 February Prentice Hall. ISBN Summerfield, Mark 23 August Fitzek, Frank H. Qt for Symbian 1st ed. Archived from the original on 19 December Summerfield, Mark 28 October Molkentin, Daniel 19 July No Starch Press.
Thelin, Johan 3 August Foundations of Qt Development 1st ed. Archived from the original on 20 January Retrieved 18 June Dalheimer, Matthias January Programming with Qt 2nd ed. O’Reilly Media. Ezust, Alan; Ezust, Paul 10 September Archived from the original on 1 October Retrieved 5 August The Qt Company. Archived from the original on 22 February Ashlee Vance. Retrieved 19 February Archived from the original on 11 December Retrieved 7 September Retrieved 8 May Retrieved 25 April Archived from the original on 12 October Retrieved 12 October Retrieved 6 December Retrieved 8 June Retrieved 15 June Archived from the original on 23 February Retrieved 14 March Archived from the original on 23 July Retrieved 14 June Retrieved 8 April Retrieved 5 September Archived from the original on 29 May Retrieved 1 March Retrieved 19 October Retrieved 28 April Retrieved 15 June — via GitHub.
Retrieved 30 June The Verge. January
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