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Knowledge Base Articles – Entering the product key
Feb 14, · Next, move over to the new computer that you want to transfer the license to. Go through the same process as we did in Step 1 and Step 2. Once you return to the Install Information section in My account, click the Install button. After a few seconds, you should see that a Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins. Nov 30, · To install on a new computer you need the unique 25 character product key, a Retail license, and the generic installation file. If you don’t have the product key, we can provide links to tools that can extract it from the old computer (assuming you have it). Here are some more links to download the installation file from. May 20, · Transfer Office or License. For transferring Microsoft Office & from one PC to another, below are the steps given: Uninstall the current Microsoft Office installation from your PC, Open control panel > Program & Features > select MS Office or Right-click on the application and click Uninstall.
Microsoft office 2010 transfer license to new computer free download. Untitled — Microsoft office 2010 home and business ru x32/x64…
YouTube – Facebook – Twitter – About. Technology in terms you understand. Sign up for the Confident Computing newsletter for weekly solutions to make your life easier. Click here and get The Ask Leo! You will need the original installation media that you used to install Office the first time. Become a Patron of Ask Leo! The steps are actually fairly simple. First, install Office on computer B using that original media. That determines the ownership of the product.
Belarc actually does an inventory of programs on your computer, but it will also report the product keys for the versions of Office and even Windows that are on computer A.
That way, you can grab the original Office product key. Now, this is where things could get interesting. Just do the activation. Once you have things installed and activated on computer B, then run the uninstall program on computer A and you should be good to go. Subscribe to Confident Computing! NOW: name your own price! You decide how much to pay — and yes, that means you can get this report completely free if you so choose. Get your copy now!
My windows 7 premium came pre-installed. I ran Belarc Advisor. Several years ago, I purchased Microsoft Office Home and Student which contained 3 home pc licenses. License 1 was downloaded on computer A which recently experienced a hard drive crash and is no longer a functioning computer — that license is obviously a goner. License 2 is located on computer B, a laptop that is about to be retired due to old age and poor functionality. Can I uninstall the suite from computer B and re-install on my newly purchased desktop PC?
I would like to retain unused license 3 for a new laptop to be purchased in the near future. Thank you so much for your important and valuable feedback. Carl P, aka, Nottatechie. If you have a single activation code — well, same thing. How can I remove the Windows licence from Computer 3 and re-install on Computer 1 repaired with new hard drive?
Since Windows 10 has not yet been released, you have a preview license. Just get a new preview, or get Windows 10 when it releases. Windows 10 crashed my computer so I had to buy a new computer. I am trying to load my copy of Office 10 on the new computer. There was no reason to buy a new computer. All you had to do was reinstall Windows on the old one from scratch.
A couple year later I bought computer C and once again paid to have everything moved from B to C. I have heard that many people who upgraded to Windows 10 as did I could not run Office 10 and thus went back to Windows 7.
Long story short, is there anything I can do to be able to open my Office 10 icons or to find my charts and graphs information. I still have computer B but not A. I had an old computer that we paid for Office After 7 years of use the computer started acting funny and crashing so I backed up everything on an external hard drive.
I hooked up the external hard drive and copies my office over to the new computer but it wont let me open my office because is installed, but its just the 14 day version. Most programs must be installed from the original installation files to work. It can be uninstalled the same way any program is uninstalled, by going to Programs and Features in the Control Panel and uninstalling it.
Unfortunately probably not. You really need to run the Office setup program from the original disks. I have run in to the same problem as Mr. It is part of a persistent practice in the computer industry to force perfectly acceptable applications into obsolescence. Mark Jacobs RE: original installation files. Poster should have no trouble has long as they have the proper Office product key on this Microsoft page to reinstall earlier versions of Office.
I have original disk FPP 3 X and all three are on computers. I need to take off one with Windows 7 and put on another with Windows Note: I have uninstalled the trial off of the W John also said he needed to access my computer. Sounds not right to me. Hang up. How would Microsoft know if MS Office was uninstalled off one computer to be able to install on another? Because you have to register it with them.
It has to be designed transparently that way. Your computer can get to the Microsoft site because it can recognize that site, and the Microsoft computer can also recognize your computer when you come so that you communicate. But can recognize which computers hold its licenses. Leo, I have a slightly different version of this issue. My HP laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium has become infected to the point that I am going to reformat and start over.
In your license transfer process, you advise not uninstalling Office from Computer A until after it has been activated on Computer B. How should I modify the process since the hard drive that represents Computer A will no longer be viable? The calculator is now broken and I can not start it anymore. How can I deactivate or delete the Office license of the old PC in order to re-activate Office on the new computer?
Microsoft will not allow it, we have wanted to transfer to a new one had the key and product ID, but although we took a photo from the key and the product ID, Microsoft claims in disregard of the photo proof, they do not have such a key. So we used a key finder and they gave exactly the same key and the same product ID, still Microsoft says not such a key.
They took the money quick enough, but service that does not seems to be on their mind never was, from experience. Are you sure it was Microsoft you contacted?
If you found the phone number on the internet, it was possibly a scammer. I searched and found a Hotmail support number, but is it legit? I have Office installed on my desktop which recently crashed beyond repair. My question is, since that copy of Office on that crashed PC is still valid, can I just use the installation disc to re-install it on my new laptop using the same product key?
Or, how can I de-activate the copy on that crashed PC and then reinstall a new copy on the laptop? You should be able to manage your license by going to the MS Office website to register your new installation.
Comments violating those rules will be removed. Comments that don’t add value will be removed, including off-topic or content-free comments, or comments that look even a little bit like spam. All comments containing links and certain keywords will be moderated before publication. I want comments to be valuable for everyone, including those who come later and take the time to read. Search Ask Leo! Can I move Office to another computer? If I uninstall from the first, can I just use the setup again and install in on another computer?
I’ll see you there! Slow Computer? What If I Need It? If you don’t have it, you could be severely out of luck. I’ll review alternatives. Free Microsoft Office in Windows 10? Sort Of – Microsoft Office appears in every new install of Windows 10, but is it really “included”? Yes and no. Fortunately, you can repair Microsoft Office. Hello, Leo. I still have computer B but not A Reply. Shortly after my computer took its final breaths…lol!
I now have a new computer with office on it. Best advice take Open office. Hi Leo, I have Office installed on my desktop which recently crashed beyond repair.
Microsoft office 2010 transfer license to new computer free download.Office 2010 transfer license to another computer
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