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Read our guide to Witch Hazel Plants for everything you’ll ever need In general, these shrubs are hardy in the USDA zones 3 through 9. with a methanol as a solvent showed that we obtained an extract of witch hazel about ml. extraction process was repeated several times,

Common Witch-hazel | Nature Hills Nursery.

Read our guide to Witch Hazel Plants for everything you’ll ever need In general, these shrubs are hardy in the USDA zones 3 through 9. with a methanol as a solvent showed that we obtained an extract of witch hazel about ml. extraction process was repeated several times,


Witch Hazel Plant Guide: How to Grow & Care for “Hamamelis”.


The inner bark is the white part found inside of the bark when you peel it off of the branch. The astringent is commonly used for skin ailments and hemorrhoids. The active astringent ingredients are tannins which are toxic if taken internally. Only use witch hazel water topically. Never drink it. Another interesting use for the shrub is dousing. It is believed that forked sticks from the plant have the ability to find water underground.

Dousers cut forked sticks from the shrub and then, holding the sticks parallel to the ground, walk around an area suspected of having underground water.

If the water exists, the forked stick supposedly will point downwards indicating where the water in located. Witch hazel naturally grows in a vase shape and requires little or no pruning.

Witch hazel is hardy in zones 3 through 9. It grows best in full sun, but will tolerate light shade. In full sun, it will grow to 10 to 15 feet tall and wide. The shrubs grow best in moist, slightly acidic soil similar to that which blueberries prefer. In fact, in the wild blueberries and witch hazel are often found growing together.

Witch hazel makes a lovely landscape plant because it naturally grows in a vase shape, with little to no pruning required to maintain its shape. In the spring and summer, it is covered with dark green leaves which turn a bright yellow in the fall. The fruit of witch hazel can be yellow, red or orange.

It takes 8 months to mature. Each fruit contains two glossy black seeds. At maturity, the fruits literally explode apart shooting the seeds up to 30 feet away from the plant. The flowers are pollinated by a moth that remains active during the winter. It is known, appropriately, as the Winter Moth. It is difficult to propagate witch hazel from cuttings.

Most propagation is done from seed. But you need to be patient. The seed can take up to two years to germinate. The trick to germinating the seeds is to remember that in nature, during that 18 months the seeds experience both cold and warm weather. You need to mimic these temperature variations to coax the seeds into germination.

Using fresh seed harvested directly from a witch hazel, sow it in a container and lightly cover it with soil. You are trying to fool the seed into thinking that it is now summer.

Then move the container to your refrigerator for three months. Throughout this process, be sure to keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. Misting the soil is better than using a watering can.

Germination should finally occur in another 2 to 3 months. Keep your seedlings in a semi-shady location until late summer when you can begin to acclimate it to full sun before transplanting it into your garden. Witch hazel grows very slowly, only 4 to 12 inches each year. Grown from seed, it will reach a mature flowering size in six years.

When adding shrubs to your landscape, try to use native plants such as the witch hazel. Besides being adapted to our climate and environmental conditions, native plants are an important food source for local wildlife. In the case of witch hazel, it is the seeds that are a valuable food source. Many birds and small animals find the seeds tasty and, as noted above, the pollen is an important food source for the winter moth. Answer: Yes!

You will find containerized shrubs in your local nursery either in the fall or the spring. They will be young, small plants that don’t look like much. Purchase a healthy one, plant it in your yard in full sun and it will grow into an amazing 10 to 15 feet shrub within a few years. Question: Why is the bark on my mature witch hazel coming off? Will this kill the tree? Answer: It is natural occurence. The bark on all witch hazels peel. It will not kill the shrub. Question: What small animals does witch hazel attract?

I don’t need more nuisance animals near my house. Anything poisonous on the plant? Answer: I don’t know where you live, so I can’t give you an exact answer. The best I can do is to tell you that witch hazel will attract seed-eating animals. Native plants evolved to be a part of the ecosystem providing food and cover for the animals and insects in the area. Any time you plant a native plant, you are inviting animals and insects into your yard. The only way to prevent what you call nuisance animals is to eliminate all plants, native and exotic, from your yard.

Best Kinds of Witch Hazels Even with only four main species and one hybrid species, there are nearly named varieties cultivars , most of them selections of H. Here are a few of my favorites. Among these are the most highly regarded ornamental witch hazels. These hybrids were originally described in by horticultural taxonomist Alfred Rehder, who studied plants growing in Boston’s Arnold Arboretum. Plants are usually vigorous, upright-spreading, and rather loosely branched if not pruned.

Some types display wide-spreading habits. They flower from late January into mid-March in the north, earlier farther south. Colors range from yellow to red. Red-flowered types may also show more red fall coloration than the yellow-flowered types, but this is not absolute. Flower buds are not as hardy as branches.

The number of named varieties now available is staggering, and without a scorecard it is difficult to separate the best. These six are my favorites. Clear yellow, fragrant flowers have a reddish base. Each petal is almost an inch long. Bloom in Boston zone 6 generally begins in late February and lasts until mid-March. The plant reaches about 20 feet tall and wide. Excellent yellow, orange, and red fall color.

Blooms of this German introduction are rich golden yellow suffused with red at the base; fragrance is sweet. Each very narrow petal is almost an inch long; flowers have a claret calyx cup. They appear in late January to early February.

Fall color is yellow. Ruth Dix, of the U. National Arboretum, considers this vigorous shrub with narrowly ascending branches to be one of the best yellows. This is one of the best red-flowering forms, better than ‘Ruby Glow’ but still more copper-red than red. February is bloom time. I have seen this one in flower on several occasions and was not as impressed as I’d hoped to be: flowers aren’t red, and old leaves persist and must be removed to maximize the flower effect. This medium to large shrub with wide-spreading branches produces rich yellow-orange-red fall color.

Excellent in flower, and from a distance it glows like copper; each 1-inch-long sweet-scented petal is claret red toward base, orange in middle, and yellow at the tip. Petal form is narrow, kinked, and twisted. Leaves turn rich orange-red in fall. In my garden, this broad-spreading shrub blooms about mid-February. It’s one of the best and one of my favorites. While I do not, many consider this a variety of H. Fragrance is weak. Fall leaf color is a combination of orange and red. The original plant is now more than 20 feet high and wide; form is erect and vase-shaped, particularly in youth.

Japanese Witch Hazel Japanese witch hazel H. This is a sparsely branched, spreading, at times almost flat-topped shrub or small tree. Most of the plants I have seen in cultivation were wide-spreading shrubs.

The 2- to 4-inch-long leaves often have a sheen and in fall turn rich combinations of yellow, red, and purple. Two or three flowers occur together on the leafless branches in February or March.

They are less showy than those on H. Flowers are scented, but not as strongly as those of H. Tall-growing form to 15 to 18 feet has horizontally angled branches. Small yellow flowers with a brown base and a faint sweet scent are produced in abundance.

Fall leaf color is yellow. A beautiful plant, but not quite up to the H. Chinese Witch Hazel Chinese witch hazel H. This native of central China is one of the best witch hazels for the landscape, and probably the most fragrant. Flowers make a beautiful show in February or March. Leaves are 3 to 6 inches long and almost as wide. They’re an unremarkable medium green in summer, then turn a spectacular yellow to yellow-orange in fall.

In my garden, foliage changes in late October or early November. Left to its own devices, this oval to rounded shrub could grow to 20 feet, but overall the growth rate is slow. Compared to the species, flowers are brighter yellow and open three to four weeks earlier: mid-January in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. The original year-old plant of this variety is 15 feet tall and wide. Large flowers, a rich golden yellow suffused with claret at base, have a strong, and sweet scent and often appear later than on other H.


Witch hazel zone 3 free download.Growing & Caring for Witch Hazel

Read our guide to Witch Hazel Plants for everything you’ll ever need In general, these shrubs are hardy in the USDA zones 3 through 9. with a methanol as a solvent showed that we obtained an extract of witch hazel about ml. extraction process was repeated several times,

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